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334 Washington Street
Hoboken, NJ, 07030
United States

(201) 792-5100




Wise Vision has been a fixture on Washington Street since 1978.


Hoboken has changed over the years, but the one thing that has stayed the same? Our commitment to the community, to family, to building a business through honesty and integrity.

Located on the corner of Fourth and Washington Street in the heart of downtown Hoboken, Wise Vision provides eye examinations, contact lens fittings, prescription / non-prescription eyewear and sunglasses, plus much more.

Our Optometrists are ready to help you manage your prescription, understand the important factors of maintaining your eye health and help you understand all of your treatment options.

Professional, competent, informative, honest .. driven to solutions. I have been going to Wise for probably 30 years and have never been directed correctly or been disappointed with a product!
— Kathleen W.

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